The pursuit of betterment, accountability, and passion underly and drive who we are.
Pursuit of Betterment
The pursuit of betterment is what inspires us as individuals and entrepreneurs, and ultimately motivates us to reach our goals. At LEACIF, we hold this value most closely, believing with a natural inclination that we all want to work towards betterment. At its core, the pursuit of betterment is aligned with growth in a positive, forward direction.
We know that best practices continue to evolve after minimum expectations and standards are met. We apply this way of thinking in delivery of services, throughout our internal processes, and, more outwardly, in working towards fulfilling our greater vision. We also understand the need to 'tip the balance' in favor of a healthier business and professional environment where the ability to thrive and support the best versions of ourselves is the standard. When we are pursuing and living our best as individuals, we can better contribute to a greater whole. This doesn't mean we are better than anyone. It means we recognize our own responsibility to actionably control our role in being our best selves, with both humility and honesty.
Innovation, aspiration of new knowledge, and an inherent gravitation towards continuous improvement and problem solving are key characteristics reflective of the pursuit of betterment. By continuously pursuing our own objectives of betterment, we can become better people, sustain a better firm, and create a better business world.
We believe in being accountable to ourselves and to others through our actions and words. When accountability is abundant, so are trust and honest actionability. At LEACIF, we understand that excuses are either a sign of misunderstanding or procrastination, both of which can be solved with better communication. We know that a strong sense of accountability means putting our egos aside, and intentionally bringing a more humble and healthy awareness to the forefront of our thoughts and actions.
In performing client services, integrated and mutual accountability is our standard. Communication regarding relevant issues, functional expectations, and providing of information must be accompanied by trust and reliability at all levels of a service relationship - both internally and externally.
Integrity, professional responsibility, respect, dignity, and self-awareness underly the concept of accountability. For us, so does the courage and willingness to be accountable to stand for what you believe in, and to be true to yourself. We encourage diversity of opinion, proactive open discussion, and constructive challenge when appropriate to uphold and strengthen accountability to ourselves, clients, and each other.
Fundamentally, we believe if there is a perceived problem or uncomfortableness with a scenario, whether related to a client engagement, internal matter, or other situation, we do not move forward until comfortability is regained. By the nature of upholding both self-accountability and the ideals of our public profession, we value intuitive awareness and the sense of when something may not be quite in balance, and will always work towards betterment and doing what is right.
We can summarize passion as 'doing what you love to do because you want to and because you care'. At LEACIF, we are purpose driven and excited to further our vision, ideas, and knowledge application, and create a greater impact around us. These ideals together help result in effective embracement of quality and due care in our work products and service delivery, in managing our firm, and in our attitudes and day-to-day interactions. In doing what we do, we intend to contribute to increased understanding and awareness, better business processes, more valuable controls, and bringing new ideas and innovation to life.
We are passionate about beneficially communicating our professional expertise and continuing to further our professional education and skills.
We are passionate about working with our clients to enhance understanding and utility of information affecting their business and strategic goals. (If we talk too much or too thoroughly to you about your business, it’s because we care!)
We are passionate about quality initiatives and providing our best service performance and deliverables.
We are passionate about the public accounting profession, and advancing its foundational purpose, ethics, and values.
And we are passionate about working with others we believe support the same overall mission as our own, demonstrating passionate impact in what matters to them, and thereby contributing to betterment for all.